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love is in the air

brew beautiful potions with potion floss


juicy citrus with a delicate tang

build a gift set

a thoughtful gift


new release!


whipped fruit

love spell

pretty drinks

welcome to the fairy floss of the future.

Welcome to the
fairy floss of the future.

Fluffe® is a wholly Australian-owned organisation focused on sparking joy through sugar.

Fluffe® is a wholly Australian-owned organisation focused on sparking joy through sugar.

Fluffe® is a wholly Australian-owned organisation
focused on sparking joy through sugar.

design a gift set

curate the sweetest present with a keepsake box.

meet duets

wrapping designed to maximise thoughtful small gifts.

looking for something custom?

Whether you're dreaming of a particular colour to match your event's palette, or need some simple but impactful gifts for your team – we can help!

you're in good company

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