Zoom Mystery Box

Mystery Box


Exclusively available as part of our Boxing Day sale, these boxes include an assortment of our finest products with deep discounts.

Value range of contents:
Mini $40–$45+
Medium $80–$95+
Mega $110–$125+

May include any combination of the following: Individual Bags (including limited editions and Holiday editions), Duet Boxes, Potion Floss and Gift Sets. While we will do our best to avoid it, you may receive multiples of products, particularly if ordering multiple Mystery Boxes.

Please note, items will not be sent in a unique "mystery box" outer carton. Please keep this in mind if ordering multiples, they will arrive all together in one shipping box.

(each item has relevant nutrition and dietary info on it's packaging)

(each item has relevant nutrition and dietary info on it's packaging)

Store below 21ºC away from moisture, light and heat. Do not refrigerate.



(each item has relevant nutrition and dietary info on it's packaging)


(each item has relevant nutrition and dietary info on it's packaging)


Store below 21ºC away from moisture, light and heat. Do not refrigerate.


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Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

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